The tale of Sanjita Mohapatra’s ascent to the summit of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) examination is one that resonates with the indomitable spirit of human determination. Hailing from Rourkela, Sanjita laid the foundation of her educational pursuits in her hometown, eventually branching out into the technical field with a B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering.
From the onset, Sanjita was academically adept, her prowess in studies undebatable. Upon completing her B.Tech, she landed a coveted government job, which offered her a comfortable salary. Yet, nestled within her was a childhood aspiration that remained unfulfilled.
Sanjita had always harbored the ambition to enter the Indian Administrative Service. In pursuit of this dream, she attempted the UPSC exam multiple times. It was only after two serious attempts that she carved her path to success, clinching the title of an IAS topper.
Reflecting on her journey, Sanjita acknowledged that during her initial three attempts post-college, she didn’t make the cut, primarily due to inadequate preparation. At that juncture, her grasp of the UPSC examination’s intricacies was limited, and she failed to clear the preliminary round in all three endeavors.
Subsequently, she ventured into the professional world. It was during this phase that she delved deeper into understanding the exam’s pattern and requisite study material. However, she chose not to appear for the exams during this period of exploration. Soon, she recognized the demanding nature of the UPSC preparation, which was difficult to balance with her job responsibilities, prompting her to resign.
Amidst these life-altering decisions, Sanjita also embraced a new journey of marriage. Post-marriage, her preparation took a more structured and intense form. Despite her unwavering dedication and thorough preparation, success eluded her in the fourth attempt as well. Nevertheless, she made significant progress, reaching the Mains stage for the first time.
It was in the year 2019, on her fifth endeavor, that her perseverance bore fruit. Sanjita Mohapatra not only passed the UPSC examination but did so with an outstanding rank of ten. Her journey was fraught with setbacks, but her resolve never wavered. Sanjita’s story is not just about success; it’s about resilience, relentless hard work, and the power of unwavering commitment to one’s goals.
Her strategy underlines a valuable lesson for all UPSC aspirants: that failures are not the end but stepping stones to success. It’s the persistence in the face of setbacks and the courage to start afresh that truly defines a topper’s mettle. Sanjita Mohapatra’s inspirational journey is a beacon for countless UPSC candidates, proving that with determination and the right approach, every dream is within reach.