In the competitive arena of India’s civil services examination, stories of perseverance and unconventional success often serve as a beacon of inspiration. Among such tales is that of Mandar Jayantrao Patki, whose journey to becoming an IAS topper defies the oft-trodden path of coaching institutes. Mandar’s achievement of securing the 22nd rank on his very first attempt at the UPSC exam, without the aid of any coaching, is a testament to his distinctive strategy and approach.
Mandar, in an enlightening interview, addressed the prevalent myths surrounding the UPSC examination. A common belief is that a strong educational background paves a clearer path to success in this prestigious exam. However, Mandar debunked this notion, highlighting that while education is beneficial, it is not the decisive factor in UPSC triumph.
According to Mandar, the key ingredient to success is the fervor for arduous work. It’s the passion that ignites relentless preparation and undying dedication that ultimately forges a topper. He asserts that if an aspirant prepares with unwavering commitment, success is not just a possibility but a certainty.
Strategic studying, rather than random bouts of learning, is what Mandar credits for his success. He emphasizes the necessity of choosing the right guidance and appropriate resources over accumulating voluminous material. With limited resources, Mandar focused on intense revision, believing in mastering the content he had rather than skimming through an exhaustive pile of books. This methodology was enhanced by his habit of making succinct notes on critical points, which aided in better retention and comprehension.
The selection of an optional subject, Mandar advises, should be executed with acute deliberation. This choice is crucial and significantly impacts one’s ranking and selection. His counsel is to opt for a subject that not only resonates with one’s interest but also one where the aspirant feels confident to excel.
For Mandar, the mains examination was not just about bookish knowledge. He devoted a substantial amount of time to practicing answer writing, understanding that the skill of presenting one’s knowledge is as vital as acquiring it. He recognized early on the importance of articulating answers correctly, which played a crucial role in enhancing his scores.
Moreover, Mandar’s preparatory regime included a rigorous analysis of NCERT books and a regular update on current affairs through newspapers. He especially stressed the importance of revision, particularly in the month leading up to the exam, which he practiced diligently, reinforcing his knowledge base and ensuring readiness for the examination day.
Mandar’s approach to cracking the UPSC exam underscores a holistic yet focused path. It was not about how many books he read, but how well he understood and retained the information from the ones he chose. His success story is a powerful narrative for UPSC aspirants, proving that with strategic planning, consistent revision, and dedicated hard work, even the most challenging exams can be conquered without conventional coaching.