Government Institutions-mobile Companies Are Making Personal Data Public! Your Aadhaar-PAN Is In The Public Domain: Survey

Government Institutions-mobile Companies Are Making Personal Data Public! Your Aadhaar-PAN Is In The Public Domain: Survey

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In a recent survey conducted by privacy advocacy groups, it has been revealed that government institutions and mobile companies are putting personal data in the public domain. The survey raises serious concerns about the violation of privacy and the potential misuse of this sensitive information.

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One of the most alarming findings of the survey is that the Aadhaar and PAN details, which are essential identification documents for Indian citizens, are readily available to the public. This means that anyone, with the right tools and knowledge, can easily access personal information such as names, addresses, date of birth, and even bank account information.

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This revelation has caused an uproar among citizens who were under the impression that their personal information would be protected by the government. With identity theft and fraud becoming increasingly prevalent, it is crucial that these agencies take immediate action to rectify the situation and ensure the security of citizens’ personal data.

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While the government has made significant efforts to promote the use of Aadhaar as a means of identification, compromises in data security raise serious concerns about the validity of such initiatives. It is essential for the government to prioritize the protection of citizens’ privacy and take stringent measures to prevent any unauthorized access or misuse of personal information.

Furthermore, mobile companies, which play a vital role in our digital lives, are also responsible for exposing personal data. The survey indicates that these companies often share customer information with third-parties without obtaining proper consent. This breach of trust by the very institutions that are entrusted with our personal data is deeply troubling and calls for immediate action.

In conclusion, the survey highlights a grave issue that demands urgent attention from the government and mobile companies. It is imperative to establish stricter regulations and safeguards to protect citizens’ personal data from being exploited. Additionally, raising awareness among individuals about the importance of securing their personal information and exercising caution while sharing data is crucial. Only through comprehensive measures can we ensure the privacy and security of personal data in the digital age.

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