The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, has recently announced that veteran leader and one of the founding members of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Lal Krishna Advani, will be honored with the prestigious Bharat Ratna award. This announcement has been made through a post on the social media platform, ‘X.’ Modi mentioned that Advani’s contribution to the development of India is truly commendable and his journey from working at the grassroots level to serving as the Deputy Prime Minister of the country is inspiring.
In his post, Modi expressed his happiness and congratulated Advani for being conferred with the Bharat Ratna, emphasizing that he has been one of the greatest and most respected leaders of their time. Advani has not only served as the Deputy Prime Minister but has also held various other important positions such as the Home Minister and the Information and Broadcasting Minister. His legislative interventions have always been noteworthy and have been filled with insightful vision and ideas.
Lal Krishna Advani, who was born on November 8, 1927, in Karachi, Pakistan, is a prominent figure in Indian politics. He has been honored with the Padma Vibhushan, which is the second-highest civilian award in India, in 2015. Having played a crucial role in laying the foundation of the BJP, he has been an exemplary leader during his tenure as the leader of the opposition in the 10th and 14th Lok Sabha.
His life is a true testament to his commitment to public service and determination to make a positive impact in the country. His achievements and contributions to the nation’s progress make him an extremely deserving candidate for the Bharat Ratna.
News Highlight :
– Lal Krishna Advani awarded the Bharat Ratna, PM Modi made the announcement on social media
– Lal Krishna Advani was born on November 8, 1927 in Karachi, Pakistan and is a senior leader of the BJP
– He served as India’s Deputy Prime Minister from 2002 to 2004
– Advani is also a recipient of the Padma Vibhushan award
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