The news of the demise of Bollywood actress and model Poonam Pandey due to cervical cancer surfaced on Friday. However, it was claimed by her co-star Vinit Kakkad that this news is 100% fake. He stated that it was not a publicity stunt, as alleged by some media outlets.

The doctor on duty pointed out that patients with cervical cancer do not die suddenly. He also verified through Poonam Pandey’s recent Instagram posts that she was living a normal and glamorous life just a few days before.

It is essential to conduct an investigation if she has indeed passed away. The news of her deteriorating relationship with her husband, involving the police, had emerged in recent days. It is hoped that this is not a hidden publicity stunt for raising awareness about cervical cancer, which would be unethical and irresponsible, especially when dealing with sensitive issues like health awareness.

Singer Chinmayi Sripada also expressed her opinions on the matter, asserting that Poonam Pandey taught us to live fearlessly and believe in ourselves. She revealed that Poonam played an essential role in raising awareness about HPV cancer.

Various other users on social media expressed disbelief over the news of Poonam Pandey’s demise, indicating that they do not believe she has passed away. Some users also reacted with shock to the news of her alleged death.

In conclusion, the reality of the situation needs to be verified, and the spreading of unconfirmed news should be avoided to maintain the sanctity of the news industry.

News Highlight :

– Bollywood actress and model Poonam Pandey passed away due to cervical cancer
– Co-star Vinit Kakkar claimed that the news of her death is 100% fake and could be a publicity stunt
– People expressed skepticism about her sudden death, as she was active on Instagram just a few days ago
– Some users expressed shock and disbelief at the news of her death
– Singer Chinmayi Sripada praised Poonam Pandey for raising awareness about HPV cancer
– Some users questioned the authenticity of the news of Poonam Pandey’s death

#BollywoodActress #PoonamPande #CervicalCancer #Instagram #VineetKakkad #CelebrityDeath #SocialMediaRumors #HealthAwareness #CancerAwareness #CelebrityNews

Sabir a versatile journalist with three years of expertise, excels in content writing, latest news analysis, and on-the-ground reporting of events. His commitment to delivering accurate and timely information...