Anurag Jain’s story is a striking example of how resilience and strategic planning can lead to extraordinary success, especially in challenging fields like the UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) exams. His journey from a professional career to becoming an IAS topper is a source of inspiration for many aspiring civil servants.

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IAS Topper Anurag Jain’s Second Attempt Success:

Anurag Jain’s journey to becoming an IAS officer is a narrative of persistence and dedication. After an unsuccessful first attempt, he didn’t give up. Instead, he focused and succeeded in his second attempt, showcasing his resilience and commitment to his goals.

Near Success and Subsequent Triumph:

Anurag’s first foray into the UPSC exams was a close call, nearly achieving success. This near miss in his first attempt in 2017 was a learning experience, and he leveraged it to refine his approach. By 2018, he had improved his strategy and secured the All India Rank 24, realizing his dream.

Career Shift from Professional to Civil Services:

After completing his graduation, Anurag began a professional career, working for about two years. However, his aspirations for civil services prompted a significant career shift, leading him to embark on the demanding journey of UPSC preparation.

Background and Initial Career:

Hailing from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, Anurag completed his graduation and stepped into the job market. His initial professional experience, though enriching, eventually steered his interest towards the civil services, aligning more closely with his long-term aspirations.

Strategy Revision and Success:

In 2017, Anurag faced a setback in his first UPSC attempt. This experience was crucial for him to rethink his preparation strategy. His revised approach and relentless preparation paid off in 2018, placing him among the top rankers.

Importance of Choosing the Right Optional Subject:

Anurag emphasizes the critical role of choosing the right optional subject in the UPSC exams. He believes that this choice can significantly influence a candidate’s success, advising aspirants to carefully consider their interest and prior knowledge in the subject they select.

IAS Anurag Jain
IAS Anurag Jain

Advice on Optional Subject Selection:

Anurag advises UPSC aspirants to take ample time in selecting their optional subject. He suggests considering one’s interest and existing knowledge in the subject, as a wrong choice can lead to wasted attempts. His experience underlines the importance of strategic planning in UPSC preparation.

Anurag Jain’s journey from a professional to an IAS officer epitomizes the power of determination, strategic planning, and the will to succeed despite initial failures. His experience offers valuable insights for UPSC aspirants, highlighting the importance of learning from setbacks, the strategic choice of optional subjects, and the relentless pursuit of one’s dreams.

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