Electric scooter prices are increasing in the market these days. But why are they so high? The demand for electric scooters is skyrocketing as more and more companies are launching them. People want to buy scooters but are unable to due to the high prices. However, a new scooter has recently been launched that is available for just 25,000 rupees. This scooter comes with features and a range that can be customized according to your needs. Let’s discuss the battery and other details of this bike.

The Avon E Plus scooter comes with a 48V, 12Ah lithium-ion battery pack. It is equipped with a 220W electric motor and uses BLDC technology. The scooter’s battery can be fully charged in 4 to 8 hours and offers a drive range of up to 50 kilometers. The top speed of the scooter is 24 kilometers per hour.

Having a good range is essential for any vehicle, whether it runs on diesel or battery. In this scooter, you get a 232W BLDC motor that can run up to 50 kilometers on a single charge. The scooter can be fully charged in 4 to 8 hours. It also features drum brakes and rear drum brakes.

Now let’s talk about the price of the Avon E Plus scooter. The price of this electric scooter is 25,000 rupees. However, the on-road price may vary slightly.

And in the last, the Avon E Plus scooter provides an affordable option for those looking to buy an electric scooter. With its decent range and features, it offers a convenient and eco-friendly mode of transportation.


– The price of electric scooters is increasing in the market due to high demand.
– People want to buy scooters but are unable to due to high prices.
– A new scooter has been launched recently that is available for only 25,000 rupees.
– The Avon E Plus Scooter features a 48V, 12 Ah lithium ion battery pack and a 220W electric motor.
– The battery can be fully charged in 4-8 hours and provides a driving range of 50 kilometers.
– The scooter has a speed of 24 kilometers per hour.
– The scooter also features drum brakes in the front and rear.
– The price of the scooter is 25,000 rupees, but there may be some changes in the on-road price.

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