The announcement of LK Advani, a senior leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), being conferred the Bharat Ratna, the highest civilian honour of India, has been met with widespread support and congratulations from top BJP leaders, allies, and opposition leaders. Prime Minister Narendra Modi described Advani as one of the most respected statesmen of our times and acknowledged his monumental contribution to the development of India. He highlighted Advani’s distinguished career that started from grassroots work to serving as the Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister.

Union ministers and top BJP leaders, including Rajnath Singh and Anurag Thakur, congratulated Advani on the well-deserved recognition, emphasizing his purity, dedication, and determination in politics. Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, leaders of Lok Janshakti Party (LJP), and other political figures also extended their congratulations to Advani.

Opposition leaders, including Manoj Jha of RJD and Akhilesh Yadav of Samajwadi Party, appreciated Advani’s contributions to the nation, expressing happiness over his recognition with the Bharat Ratna. Kavitha, an MLC from the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS), congratulated Advani while taking a veiled dig at the ruling party.

The announcement has drawn accolades from various corners, highlighting Advani’s long and distinguished parliamentary career and his role in the development of India. The congratulatory messages reflect a shared respect and admiration for Advani’s contributions to Indian politics and society. With an illustrious political career, his legacy and impact continue to be acknowledged and celebrated across party lines.

News Highlight :

– Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that LK Advani will be conferred the Bharat Ratna, the country’s highest civilian honour
– Advani is “one of the most respected statesmen of our times” and has made monumental contributions to the development of India
– PM Modi and several top BJP leaders and allies expressed happiness and congratulated Advani on being conferred the award
– Opposition leaders also expressed their happiness and respect for Advani
– LK Advani, born in Karachi, served as the president of the BJP and was the home minister and deputy prime minister in the cabinet of Atal Bihari Vajpayee
– Livemint is the fastest growing news website in the world

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Sabir a versatile journalist with three years of expertise, excels in content writing, latest news analysis, and on-the-ground reporting of events. His commitment to delivering accurate and timely information...