The world of UPSC aspirants is replete with tales of struggle, determination, and relentless hard work. Among these stories, Praveenchand’s journey from managing financial constraints to achieving success in the Civil Services Examination stands out distinctly.

A Dream Fulfilled Amidst Challenges

In 2018, Praveenchand’s tenacity and commitment bore fruit as he clinched the 64th rank in the UPSC Civil Services Examination on his third try. This feat placed him prominently among the nation’s toppers, a testament to his unwavering spirit.

From IIT Patna to Corporate Life

An alumnus of the esteemed IIT Patna, Praveenchand embarked on a professional journey post-graduation. As he delved into the working world, the allure of the UPSC beckoned him, igniting a passion for civil services.

The First Step and The First Stumble

After two years of professional life, Praveenchand took a bold decision: a year-long hiatus from work to focus on the UPSC examinations. Despite his dedication, his initial attempt didn’t culminate in success. However, failure didn’t deter him; he viewed it as a stepping stone.

Juggling Work and Dreams

Given the financial constraints, abandoning his job indefinitely wasn’t feasible for Praveenchand. He re-entered the workforce but with a firm resolution: he would carve out a meticulous study schedule around his job.

Mastering Time Management

Embracing an early bird routine, Praveenchand dedicated his dawn hours to focused study. Post work, no matter how taxing his day was, he ensured that he allotted time for his UPSC preparations. Weekends weren’t for relaxation; they were dedicated study marathons.

Making Every Moment Count

One of Praveenchand’s remarkable strategies was maximizing every available moment. Whether it was revising notes, staying updated with current affairs, or simply reading, he ensured that every free moment was a step closer to his dream. His commute time wasn’t wasted either; it became an extension of his preparation.

The Essence of Time Utilization

Praveenchand’s mantra was clear: when juggling a job and UPSC preparations, it’s paramount to utilize every second efficiently. His journey exemplifies that it isn’t about the amount of time one has but how one chooses to use it.

IAS GSS Praveen Chand
IAS GSS Praveen Chand

Praveenchand’s success is not just a testament to his intellectual prowess but also to his incredible time-management skills and unwavering determination. His story is an inspiration for many, teaching us that dreams, when pursued with passion and discipline, can indeed become reality, regardless of the challenges that lie ahead.

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