News in Points:
– The Rotary Club of Halifax built a scenic overlook on an ancient road and footpath known as the Magna Via, with illustrated panels identifying landmarks and QR codes linking to descriptions on the club website.
– The $25,000 project was dedicated in late June and funded by sponsoring businesses and individual donors, including Ken Robertshaw, who contributed in honor of his late wife, Pauline.
– The All Island Inter-School Shakespeare Drama Competition, organized by the Rotary Club of Colombo North and the Colombo YMCA, has been held for nearly five decades and included over 1,000 students in the last contest.
– The competition has been a springboard for young people across the island to careers in acting, directing, and media, and the coveted rotating trophy is a silver bust of Shakespeare.
#Rotary Club of Halifax
#Magna Via scenic overlook
#Halifax landmarks
#Shakespeare Drama Competition
#Sri Lankan thespians
#All Island Inter-School Shakespeare Drama Competition
#Rotary Club of Colombo North
#Colombo YMCA
#Shakespeare plays
#Young Sri Lankan actors