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In “Pariksha Pe Charcha 2024,” Prime Minister Narendra Modi engaged in discussions with students, teachers, and parents during the program’s seventh edition on Monday, January 29, 2024. The event was held at the Bharat Mandap in Delhi’s Pragati Maidan. The Ministry of Education organizes this program annually. “Pariksha Pe Charcha” was first celebrated in 2018 and involves students, teachers, and parents from both India and abroad discussing concerns related to exams and school life with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who provides them with advice to help them face challenges in their lives.

During the program, Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasized the importance of proper sleep, according to the science of health. He stressed that watching shows late into the night disrupts both sleep and schedule, adversely affecting health.

He also addressed the issue of stress management, emphasizing the need to prepare our minds for the pressures we face and the need to conquer stress in our own way without creating additional pressure by forcing ourselves in certain ways.

Furthermore, the Prime Minister emphasized the importance of being decisive under any circumstances, stating that once the habit of being decisive is established, there will be no confusion.

Lastly, in today’s technological age, the habit of writing has diminished, although writing is necessary for exams. Therefore, he advised individuals to develop the habit of writing something in their notebooks every day to encourage the habit of writing.

The “Pariksha Pe Charcha 2024” was an insightful event, with the Prime Minister addressing various aspects of student life and education, providing valuable advice for tackling challenges and leading a balanced life.

News Highlight :

-Prime Minister Narendra Modi held the seventh edition of ‘Pariksha Pe Charcha’ program on January 29, 2024
-The program discusses students, teachers, and parents’ concerns about exams and school life
-PM Modi advised proper sleep is essential for health
-He suggested reducing stress through mental preparation and writing habits

#ParikshaPeCharcha2024 #ParikshaPeCharcha #NarendraModi #EducationMinistry #ParikshaPeCharchaProgram #SchoolLife #ChallengesInLife #ProperSleep #ReducingStress #DecisionMakingSkills #WritingHabits #TechnologyAndWriting #ExamPreparation #HealthAndSleep #ManagingPressure #TechnologyAndEducation #ExaminationStress #FocusAndConcentration

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