Dev Patel, the Oscar-nominated actor, is venturing into new territory as he makes his directorial debut with the upcoming action-packed revenge tale, “Monkey Man.” The film, set to be theatrically released by Universal Pictures on April 5, is produced by Jordan Peele’s Monkeypaw Productions. The first trailer for the movie was released recently, giving audiences a glimpse into the intense and gritty world of “Monkey Man.”
In the film, Patel portrays Kid, a young man who struggles to make ends meet in an underground fight club, where he is brutally beaten by more popular fighters night after night. The story is inspired by the legend of Hanuman, a deity in Hinduism. As Kid’s childhood trauma resurfaces, he embarks on a quest for revenge, unleashing a campaign of retribution against those who have wronged him.
The trailer showcases intense action sequences reminiscent of the “John Wick” movies, with Patel’s character engaging in fierce combat as he seeks vengeance. The cast also includes Sharlto Copley, Sobhita Dhulipala, and other talented actors.
Dev Patel co-wrote the screenplay for “Monkey Man” with Paul Angunawela and John Collee, and the film was originally set to be released on Netflix before securing a theatrical release through Universal Pictures. The movie promises to deliver a gripping and adrenaline-fueled experience for audiences.
With its compelling storyline and impressive cast, “Monkey Man” is set to make a splash in the world of action cinema when it hits theaters. As audiences eagerly anticipate the film’s release, the trailer provides an enticing glimpse into the high-octane world of “Monkey Man” and the thrilling journey that awaits.
News Highlight :
– Dev Patel is making his directorial debut with the movie “Monkey Man”
– The movie follows the story of a man seeking revenge at an underground fight club
– The film is inspired by the legend of Hanuman, a Hindu deity
– The trailer features brutal action scenes reminiscent of “John Wick”
– The movie was originally set to be released on Netflix but will now be theatrically released by Universal Pictures
– The cast includes Sharlto Copley, Sobhita Dhulipala, and others
– The movie is produced by Jordan Peele, with several executive producers as well
#DevPatel #MonkeyMan #UniversalPictures #JordanPeele #actionmovie #revengetale #Hindudeity #JohnWick #directorialdebut #Oscar-nominatedactor