vince mcmahon wwe

A former WWE employee has filed a federal lawsuit against former WWE executive Vince McMahon, accusing him of serious sexual misconduct, including offering her to a star wrestler for sex. Janel Grant, who worked in the company’s legal and talent departments, has also alleged that McMahon forced her into a sexual relationship in order for her to get and keep a job and passed around pornographic pictures and videos of her to other men, including other WWE employees.

The lawsuit also names the WWE and John Laurinaitis, the company’s former head of talent relations and general manager, as defendants. The lawsuit is based on allegations that match the investigation that led to McMahon stepping down as WWE’s CEO in 2022.

Grant, through her attorney, Ann Callis, has stated that she hopes her lawsuit will prevent other women from being victimized. Furthermore, TKO Group, WWE’s parent company, has issued a statement saying it is taking the allegations seriously and addressing the matter internally.

According to the lawsuit, McMahon offered to get Grant a job at WWE in 2019 after her parents died. However, he eventually made it clear that one of the requirements of the job was a physical relationship with him and later with Laurinaitis and others. The lawsuit also alleges that McMahon offered one of his star wrestlers a sexual relationship with Grant as a perk in 2021.

Grant is seeking unspecified monetary damages and to have the court void a $3 million nondisclosure agreement, of which she alleges she only received $1 million. McMahon, the leader and most recognizable face at WWE for decades, remains an executive chairman of the board of TKO Group Holdings, the $21.4 billion sports entertainment company created last April through a merger with the company that runs Ultimate Fighting Championship.

Summery :

– Former WWE employee Janel Grant has filed a federal lawsuit accusing Vince McMahon and another executive of sexual misconduct and coercion
– Allegations include McMahon forcing her into a sexual relationship, passing around pornographic images, and offering her for sex with a star wrestler
– Lawsuit was filed in Connecticut, WWE’s base, and named WWE and John Laurinaitis as defendants
– TKO Group, WWE’s parent company, is taking the allegations seriously
– Grant is seeking monetary damages and to void a $3 million nondisclosure agreement
– McMahon was the leader of WWE for decades and is now the executive chairman of the board of TKO Group Holdings

#WWE #VinceMcMahon #JanelGrant #sexualmisconduct #lawsuit #TKOGroup #JohnLaurinaitis #lawsuitdetails #WWEscandal #sexualassault #lawsuitallegations

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