The six-part limited series “Griselda,” now streaming on Netflix, stars Sofía Vergara as Griselda Blanco, often referred to as the “Godmother of Cocaine.” The show is a fictionalized account of Blanco’s rise and fall during the drug wars in Miami in the 1970s and 80s.
The show’s co-creator and executive producer, Eric Newman, worked on researching the Latin American drug trade. According to him, the purpose of the series was to offer a more humanizing look at Blanco, who was a prominent figure in the male-dominated drug trade culture.
Griselda Blanco was born in Cartagena, Colombia in 1943, and she grew up in the 1970s when the cocaine drug trade was flourishing throughout South America. She became involved in drugs and crime at a young age, and her life was filled with hardship and abuse.
Blanco was known for smuggling tons of cocaine from Colombia into the U.S. and was allegedly responsible for the deaths of more than 200 people in Colombia, Florida, New York, and California. After a decade of evading police, she was arrested by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration in 1985 and charged with conspiring to manufacture, import, and distribute cocaine.
The estate of Griselda Blanco filed a lawsuit against Netflix and Vergara, seeking to halt the show’s release. Blanco’s son Michael is accusing the creators of using his unreleased “artistic literary work” and his likeness to depict the life story of himself and his mother without permission.
The series delves into Blanco’s life, the circumstances that led her to infamy, and the impact she had on the drug trade. Despite being a fictionalized account, it aims to shed light on the life of one of the most notorious figures associated with the drug trade.
News Summery :
– Netflix series “Griselda” gives a more humanizing lens to the life of Colombian drug lord Griselda Blanco
– The series introduces a more intimate view of her life and her rise to prominence as a woman in a male-dominated drug culture
– There are important differences in the series compared to her actual life, such as her husband forcing her to sleep with his brother and various murders in her life
– The limited series leaves out some facts about Griselda, such as the romantic story of how she and a hitman met
– Griselda was eventually arrested and found guilty of murder and drug trafficking, and later deported to Colombia
– A lawsuit was filed against Netflix and Sofia Vergara for unauthorized usage of Griselda Blanco’s family’s image and likeness.
#Netflix “Griselda” series
#Sofia Vergara vs Colombian drug lord Griselda Blanco
#Griselda Blanco Netflix lawsuit
#Griselda Blanco Netflix series controversy
#Colombian drug lord Griselda Blanco and Sofia Vergara
#Griselda Blanco son lawsuit
#Griselda Blanco criminal history