
1. #CNN Ron DeSantis exit
2. #Nikki Haley one-on-one shot
3. #New Hampshire primary CNN poll
4. #Nikki Haley campaign strategy
5. #GOP nomination race
6. #Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis withdrawal
7. #2024 Republican nomination fight
8. #Donald Trump endorsement
9. #Nikki Haley election strategy
10. #South Carolina primary endorsement

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has exited the Republican nomination fight, giving former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley the one-on-one shot against former President Donald Trump that she claimed to crave. However, this shift in the nomination race may hurt Haley, as DeSantis’ supporters will likely add to Trump’s lead over her. A CNN poll found that DeSantis was the first choice of 6% of likely New Hampshire GOP primary voters, with Trump garnering 50% and Haley at 39%. After reallocation of DeSantis’ supporters to their second-choice candidate, Haley’s support widened slightly to 41%, but Trump’s support increased to 54%.

DeSantis was known for being a Trump mini-me, endorsing Trump and even trying to chastise Trump from the right regarding his administration’s policy proposals. While Haley was eager to show that DeSantis was flagging at the same time she was rising, her strategy may have backfired, and she risks being victimized by the “bandwagon” effect where voters want to go with the perceived winner. The calendar and geography also present challenges for Haley, as the South Carolina primary in her home state isn’t until February 24. With the Republican establishment rallying hard behind Trump after DeSantis’ withdrawal, Haley’s challenge has only been exacerbated.

Summery :

– Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has dropped out of the Republican nomination race, leaving former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley to face former President Donald Trump
– DeSantis had limited support, and many of his supporters are likely to vote for Trump instead of Haley
– A CNN poll showed that Trump had a large lead over Haley and DeSantis in New Hampshire
– Haley’s attempt to show that DeSantis was flagging while she was rising may have backfired, and she risks being victimized by the “bandwagon” effect
– The Republican establishment, including Sen. Steve Daines, is rallying behind Trump, making Haley’s chances even slimmer
– Haley faces a challenge in finishing a close second to Trump in New Hampshire, and will likely have a tough time in South Carolina as well
– Overall, DeSantis’s withdrawal has made things more difficult for Haley in the Republican nomination race.

Sabir a versatile journalist with three years of expertise, excels in content writing, latest news analysis, and on-the-ground reporting of events. His commitment to delivering accurate and timely information...