It’s essential for parents, students, and educators to stay informed about the weather conditions and any further announcements from their respective state governments regarding school operations. Schools in Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Haryana have extended their winter breaks or have been ordered closed due to the unusually cold weather conditions prevailing in North India. These decisions impact students up to various class levels and include both private and public educational institutions.

Uttar Pradesh: Noida and Greater Noida

In Uttar Pradesh particularly in Noida and Greater Noida schools up to Class 8 have been mandated to remain closed until January 14, 2024. This closure, prompted by the cold weather applies to both private and public schools in the region.

Rajasthan: Extended Winter Break

Similarly, the Rajasthan government acknowledging the severe cold has announced an extended winter break for primary school students. This directive ensures that schools in Rajasthan, including both private and public institutions.

It will not hold physical classes until January 13, 2024. This measure aims to protect students from the harsh climatic conditions currently affecting the state.

Haryana: Winter Break Schedule

Haryana state too has joined in implementing precautionary measures against the cold wave. The Chief Minister of Haryana earlier announced a 15-day winter break which is starting January 1, 2024, and concluding on January 15, 2024. Schools in the state are scheduled to reopen on January 16, 2024. This break provides a respite for students and staff from the cold and aligns with the state’s educational calendar.

These decisions by the state governments of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Haryana reflect a responsive approach to weather-related challenges. The closures and extended breaks help ensure the safety and health of students during this period of intense cold.

They also present an opportunity for educational institutions to explore alternative methods of instruction, such as online learning, to ensure continuity in education.

Sabir a versatile journalist with three years of expertise, excels in content writing, latest news analysis, and on-the-ground reporting of events. His commitment to delivering accurate and timely information...