Yashini Nagrajan’s story of cracking the UPSC Civil Services Exam (CSE) while balancing a full-time job is a remarkable tale of dedication, time management, and learning from past experiences. Her journey culminates in a triumphant success in her fourth attempt in 2019, securing an impressive 57th rank.

IAS Topper Yashini Nagrajan’s Determined Pursuit

Yashini Nagrajan’s journey to becoming an IAS officer is a testament to her steadfast resolve. Despite facing setbacks in her initial attempts, the thought of quitting her job never crossed her mind. Her perseverance paid off when she topped the UPSC CSE exam in her fourth attempt.

Emphasis on Time Management for Working Professionals

Yashini underscores the importance of time management for working professionals preparing for UPSC. She highlights that job holders need to exert extra efforts for managing their study schedule alongside their professional commitments. This requires meticulous planning and discipline.

Yashini’s Rigorous Study Schedule

Yashini managed to dedicate four to five hours daily to her studies while working full-time. Weekends, often seen as relaxation time for many, were her most intensive study periods. This disciplined approach exemplifies the dedication required to succeed in such a demanding exam.

Learning from Past Mistakes: Choosing the Right Optional

In her previous attempts, Yashini realized that choosing the wrong optional subject, Geography, was a significant setback. She chose it by following others but soon understood that it was not the right fit for her. However, initially, she lacked the courage to switch her optional.

IAS Yashni Nagrajan
IAS Yashni Nagrajan

Focus on Essay and Ethics Papers

Identifying her weaknesses, Yashini recognized that she wasn’t scoring well in the essay and ethics papers. In her successful attempt, she not only changed her optional but also dedicated significant effort to improving her essay and ethics papers, practicing diligently to enhance her writing skills.

Yashini Nagrajan’s story is not just about clearing one of the toughest exams in India; it’s about balancing the pressures of a full-time job with the rigorous demands of UPSC preparation. Her journey is a source of inspiration for many working professionals who aspire to achieve similar feats, demonstrating that with the right strategy, dedication, and willingness to learn from past mistakes, success is indeed achievable.


  • Yashini Nagrajan topped UPSC CSE 2019 with 57th rank, fourth attempt.
  • Emphasized time management for working aspirants, requiring extra study efforts.
  • Dedicated four to five hours daily for studies while working.
  • Utilized weekends intensively for preparation, unlike relaxation for others.
  • Initially chose wrong optional subject, Geography, following others’ choices.
  • Realized the mistake, lacked courage to change optional initially.
  • Identified weakness in essay and ethics papers in previous attempts.
  • Changed optional subject and focused on essay, ethics papers in fourth.

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