Varjeet Walia’s journey to becoming an IAS officer is a compelling tale of resilience, adaptability, and unwavering determination. His experience in the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Civil Services Exam (CSE) is a testament to the fact that success often comes after overcoming significant challenges.

IAS Topper Varjeet Walia’s Fourth Attempt Success

Varjeet Walia, an aspirant who graduated in Chemical Engineering, turned his career path towards UPSC, leading to remarkable success. In 2017, on his fourth attempt, Varjeet secured the impressive 21st rank, showcasing his dedication and hard work.

Transition from Engineering to UPSC and Initial Struggles

After completing his degree in Chemical Engineering, Varjeet’s focus shifted towards the UPSC. His first attempt, embarked upon after a year to a year and a half of preparation, saw him choosing Sociology as his optional subject. This period was marked by intensive preparation, primarily concentrated on his optional.

Facing Setbacks with Mains and Optionals

Despite his best efforts, Varjeet faced a setback when he couldn’t clear the Mains. He attributed this failure to his choice of optional subject. Without delving into his marks, he decided to change his optional for the next attempt. However, success continued to elude him in the following attempts as well.

IAS Topper Varjeet Walia
IAS Topper Varjeet Walia

Persistence Leading to Success

Varjeet’s journey was fraught with challenges; at times, he stumbled at the Prelims, and at others, at the Mains. His first significant breakthrough came in his third attempt when he achieved a rank of 577. Unhappy with this result, Varjeet persevered, and in his next attempt, he achieved a stellar 21st rank. After his first attempt, he switched his optional subject to Physics, which he retained in subsequent attempts.

Varjeet’s Advice to Future Aspirants

Varjeet emphasizes the importance of a measured and well-informed approach to UPSC preparation. He advises aspirants to dedicate initial time to understanding the exam thoroughly before proceeding. This approach should extend to the choice of optional subjects as well. He cautions against being swayed by others’ experiences or opinions. Thorough research and understanding of the subject should be the basis for finalizing one’s optional.

Varjeet Walia’s story is not just about achieving a high rank in the UPSC exam; it’s about facing adversities, learning from failures, and persistently working towards one’s goal. His journey serves as an inspiration to UPSC aspirants, demonstrating that with the right strategy, dedication, and mindset, even the toughest challenges can be overcome.


  • Varjeet Walia tops UPSC with 21st rank on fourth attempt.
  • Shifted from Chemical Engineering to UPSC, faced initial preparation challenges.
  • First UPSC attempt with Sociology optional; intense focus on preparation.
  • Mains failure attributed to optional choice, leading to subsequent changes.
  • Experienced setbacks in both Prelims and Mains in early attempts.
  • Achieved rank 577 in third attempt, but aimed for improvement.
  • Topped exam with 21st rank after changing optional to Physics.
  • Advises thorough exam understanding, careful optional selection for aspirants.

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