In the vast expanse of India’s vast educational landscape, very few stories stand out as starkly as that of Ritika Jindal. Born in the bustling town of Moga in Punjab, her journey to success was one of grit, resilience, and an unyielding spirit.

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The Beginnings of a Bright Student

Ritika Jindal’s academic prowess was evident early on. She hailed from Moga, Punjab – a place that often makes headlines for its sporting talents. However, Ritika was making waves in a different domain. Showcasing an exceptional acumen for academics, she outperformed her peers, clinching the top spots in her 10th and 12th-grade examinations. Her achievements were a testament to her diligence and dedication.

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Taking on Delhi’s Academic Scene

With dreams in her eyes and the wind beneath her wings, Ritika headed to the nation’s capital for her higher education. She secured a seat at the esteemed Shri Ram College of Commerce in Delhi, a hub for many who aspire to carve out a niche for themselves in the country’s educational echelons.

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An Unwavering Dream: The IAS Vision

While many are often unclear about their career paths, Ritika’s goal was crystalline from a young age: she wanted to become an IAS officer. With a blend of determination and discipline, she embarked on her UPSC preparation journey. Impressively, she cleared all three stages in her maiden attempt. But as fate would have it, a slight margin in marks kept her from gracing the final list.

Perseverance in the Face of Disappointment

The setback of not making it to the final list could easily discourage many, but not Ritika. While she did feel the sting of disappointment, she didn’t let it deter her resolve. She knew she had the capability, and all she needed was another shot at her dream. So, without wasting time, Ritika immersed herself back into her preparations.

Redemption and Resounding Success

Her indomitable spirit and consistent hard work finally bore fruit the following year. Ritika not only cleared all the three rigorous exams but also secured her place among the UPSC toppers with an admirable 88th rank.

IAS Ritika Jindal
IAS Ritika Jindal

Ritika’s journey, which was interwoven with personal challenges and the daunting task of UPSC preparations, serves as an inspiration. Her story reiterates the age-old belief that with perseverance, any obstacle, no matter how big, can be overcome.

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