The lure of urban life has pulled many away from their rural roots, leading to migration issues in many villages. Chandrashekhar Pandey, originally from Bageshwar, has defied this trend and is forging a path of community revival through organic farming.

A Sustainable Initiative in Bageshwar

Just four to five years ago, Pandey embarked on a journey of organic farming, focusing primarily on herbs. This initiative not only breathed life into the agricultural landscape of the region but also proved to be a valuable source of employment for many village residents. Today, thanks to his efforts, Bageshwar is witnessing a decline in its biggest challenge: migration.

The City’s Hustle Vs. Village’s Peace

Upon completing his education, the allure of Mumbai beckoned Chandrashekhar. Like many, he sought opportunities in the bustling metropolis. Yet, the solace and peace he yearned for eluded him in the city’s cacophonous alleys. The comfort he sought was in the quiet, serene surroundings of his village.

News of escalating migration from Uttarakhand reached him during his city stint. The distressing stories of his homeland left an indelible mark on him. This realization that he wasn’t contributing to the welfare of his state became the catalyst for his return. He left behind the shimmering lights of Mumbai to make a tangible difference in Bageshwar.

A United Family, A United Vision

On his return, Chandrashekhar didn’t embark on his farming venture alone. His sizable family of twelve rallied around him, forming a cohesive unit. Together, they delved deep into the intricacies of organic herb farming. Their collective efforts soon began to bear fruit, both literally and metaphorically.

The Mission: Stemming Migration through Employment

Chandrashekhar’s vision isn’t just limited to agriculture. By introducing organic herb farming, he’s addressing the migration crisis at its core. His endeavors aim at providing gainful employment, hoping to retain the youth and families within Bageshwar and its neighboring districts.

Chandra Shekhar Pandey
Chandra Shekhar Pandey

The Current Scenario and Vision Forward

Today, Chandrashekhar, with his family by his side, stands as a beacon of hope in Uttarakhand. By offering jobs in organic farming, he’s successfully curtailed migration rates, impacting not just Bageshwar but surrounding districts as well. His tale serves as a testament to the fact that sometimes, the best way forward is to trace one’s way back home.

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