From the depths of adversity, some people emerge with a determination that leaves an indelible mark on history. Abdul Nasar is one such person who, despite his tumultuous early life, rose to the esteemed position of an IAS officer.

Early Challenges:

Abdul Nasar’s childhood was marred by hardships. The youngest of six siblings, tragedy struck when his father passed away while he was only five. His distraught mother, grappling with the overwhelming burden of the family, made the heart-wrenching decision to send Abdul to an orphanage. Sadly, she too passed away shortly after. However, Abdul, with unwavering resilience, decided to not only pursue his education but excel in it.

Educational Pursuits:

Abdul’s education began within the confines of the orphanage’s primary school. Undeterred by his circumstances, he went on to complete his post-graduation in English, exhibiting an innate thirst for knowledge.

Juggling Jobs:

Abdul’s life was a testament to his indomitable spirit. Before achieving his larger dreams, he donned many hats. At just 16, he took up roles ranging from a cashier to an STD booth operator, newspaper distributor, tuition teacher, and even a clinic tax and delivery boy. His work ethic shone through every job he undertook.

First Step Towards Civil Services:

Abdul’s tireless endeavors landed him a position as a Health Inspector. But this wasn’t his ultimate goal. Deep down, he harbored dreams of joining the Civil Services.

Setting Sights on Deputy Collector:

In 1994, when the Kerala Public Service Commission advertised the Deputy Collector’s position, Abdul saw it as an opportunity to come one step closer to his IAS dream. The allure of direct recruitment as a Deputy Collector was irresistible.

Belief in Promotion:

While most see the IAS exam as a direct route to administrative roles, Abdul believed that starting as a Deputy Collector would not only fulfill his immediate ambition but also pave a smoother path to the coveted IAS position.

Triumph against Odds:

Abdul’s determination bore fruit in 2006 when he was appointed as the Deputy Collector. After serving diligently for 11 years in Kerala, he was promoted to an IAS officer. Abdul Nasar’s journey, from an orphanage to one of the most respectable positions in the country, serves as an inspiring testament to the power of perseverance.

IAS abdul nasar
IAS abdul nasar

Abdul Nasar’s story serves as a beacon of hope, emphasizing that with hard work, determination, and a bit of luck, one can overcome any obstacle and achieve their dreams.

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