Poonam Pandey, a well-known actor and model, passed away at the age of 32 due to cervical cancer. The news was confirmed by her media manager and was widely reported by various news outlets.
Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that is ranked as the fourth most common cancer in women by the World Health Organization (WHO). The primary cause of cervical cancer is Human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection. It is responsible for 99% of cervical cancer cases and often shows no symptoms. Cervical cancer is highly treatable if detected at early stages.
In 2020, approximately 604,000 women were diagnosed with cervical cancer worldwide, resulting in about 342,000 deaths. Early detection and prevention of cervical cancer are crucial, which can be done through regular screenings and HPV vaccinations. The symptoms of cervical cancer include unusual bleeding between periods, vaginal discomfort, and pain in the back, legs, or pelvis.
The Union Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, announced that the government will encourage vaccination for girls in the 9-14 year age group for the prevention of cervical cancer. Additionally, she mentioned that an India-made quadrivalent vaccine might be evaluated for inclusion in the Universal Immunisation Programme (UIP) as a twin-dose regimen for adolescent girls.
Cervical cancer can be treated through various methods including surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. Furthermore, secondary care is also provided for pain management.
The loss of Poonam Pandey due to cervical cancer sheds light on the importance of awareness, early detection, and prevention of this disease. It is essential for women to prioritize regular screenings and vaccinations to reduce the risk of cervical cancer.