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IAS Success Story: From a Jammu and Kashmir village, prepared for UPSC, failed twice in interviews, Abhishek became IAS on third try.

IAS Abhishek Sharma

IAS Abhishek Sharma

In the remote village of Kishtwar in Jammu and Kashmir, Abhishek Sharma began a journey that would lead him to one of the most coveted positions in India. Despite humble beginnings and the constraints of rural life, Abhishek’s determination saw him clear the UPSC exam with an impressive All India Rank of 69 in 2017, on his third attempt.

Abhishek’s inspiration took root early in life, during visits to his mother’s workplace at the SDM office. Observing the officers, a dream was kindled within him – to one day join their ranks as an IAS officer. This dream was not his alone; it was shared and nurtured by his entire family, despite the financial limitations they faced.

His academic foundation was laid in the classrooms of his village in the Kishtwar district, where he balanced his studies with helping his family in farming to make ends meet. After completing his graduation, Abhishek’s quest for excellence led him to Delhi, where he initially joined a coaching institute to prepare for the UPSC exam. However, he soon realized that the cacophony of city life was not conducive to his preparation.

In a decision that reflects his resilient spirit, Abhishek chose to return to his village, where the tranquility provided a more suitable environment for his studies. His first two attempts at the UPSC brought him within touching distance of success, reaching the interview stage, but it was the third attempt that saw his hard work and dedication come to fruition.

IAS Abhishek Sharma

Abhishek’s story is not just one of personal success but a beacon of hope for countless others from small villages and modest backgrounds. It is a reminder that with unwavering resolve, right strategy, and the courage to persist through setbacks, one can transcend barriers and emerge victorious.

Today, Abhishek Sharma stands as a symbol of tenacity and hope, proving that where you come from cannot hinder where you can go. His success is a testament to the fact that no dream is too big and no village too small to produce individuals who can achieve national recognition and serve their country with distinction.

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