Clearing the UPSC exam is often considered a Herculean task, but what if the key to success could be achieved right from the comfort of your home? IAS Prerna Singh stands as a testament to this possibility. Through diligent preparation, an effective strategy, and unwavering dedication, Prerna Singh cracked the prestigious examination, and she is now sharing her insights with aspiring candidates.

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Precision in Strategy:

IAS Prerna Singh credits her success to a meticulously crafted strategy. This method wasn’t just about long study hours but studying smart. An effective approach can often make a substantial difference in results.

Building a Strong Foundation with NCERT:

For Prerna, the foundation of any UPSC preparation begins with the NCERT textbooks. She recommends candidates to immerse themselves in the NCERT books from classes 6 to 12. However, if time is of the essence, focusing on books from classes 9 to 12 is imperative. These books lay down the groundwork for a deeper understanding of various subjects.

Deepen Your Knowledge:

Once the basics are firmly in place, it’s crucial to delve deeper into the subjects as per the UPSC syllabus. A superficial knowledge won’t suffice; an in-depth understanding will set you apart.

Crafting a Personalized Study Schedule:

Prerna emphasizes the importance of a tailored study routine. Aspirants should create a daily schedule that aligns with their strengths and weaknesses. While sitting at home, the emphasis should be on intense self-study, complemented with a keen eye on current affairs, ensuring you’re always abreast of the latest developments.

The Power of Concise Notes and Revision:

One of the golden tips shared by Prerna Singh is the art of note-making. During preparation, making crisp and concise notes from study material can be invaluable. These notes act as quick reference points and enable swift revision. Prerna firmly believes that success in UPSC is cemented through consistent revision. The more you revise, the more concepts get ingrained, leading to better recall during the exam.

IAS Prerna Singh
IAS Prerna Singh

In essence, IAS Prerna Singh’s journey and advice shine a light on the fact that with the right strategy, dedication, and resources, achieving UPSC success from home is not just a dream but a very attainable reality.

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