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School dropout Rukmani astonishes all, clinching second place in the IAS exam through her UPSC success.

IAS Rukmani Riar

IAS Rukmani Riar

It’s often said that the path to success is not linear. For some, it involves navigating through setbacks, only to emerge stronger, more determined, and remarkably triumphant. Rukmani Riar’s story echoes this sentiment, challenging traditional notions of academic success and proving that it’s never too late to change the trajectory of one’s life.

Humble Beginnings in Punjab:

Born and brought up in the vibrant state of Punjab, Rukmani hails from a family rooted in the realm of law and order. Her father, Baljinder Singh Riar, served the community with dedication as the Deputy District Attorney of Hoshiarpur. At home, Rukmani’s mother played the pivotal role of a homemaker, nurturing the family with love and care.

Navigating Early Setbacks:

Academic journeys are rarely smooth sailing for everyone. Rukmani, too, faced her share of obstacles early on. While many might view failing the sixth grade as a significant setback, for Rukmani, it was merely a detour. She picked herself up and continued her education, eventually graduating from Guru Nanak Dev University after completing her 12th.

Pursuing Higher Education and a New Direction:

Not one to rest on her laurels, Rukmani went on to pursue post-graduation. It was after obtaining her Master’s degree that she felt a new calling. With a desire to serve her nation and an intrinsic motivation to make a difference, she turned her attention towards the prestigious UPSC Civil Services Examination and began her arduous preparations.

Self-Reliance and Stellar Results:

In a world where many lean on the crutches of coaching centers to navigate competitive exams, Rukmani chose a different path. Relying solely on self-study and her dedication, she dived deep into her UPSC preparations. Her hard work and determination bore fruit when the results were announced – Rukmani had astonishingly clinched the second rank in the exam, a feat achieved without the aid of any coaching.

IAS Rukmani Riar

Rukmani Riar’s story is an inspiration for many. It underscores the idea that past setbacks need not define one’s future. Through perseverance, determination, and belief in oneself, any obstacle can be overcome, and any goal, no matter how lofty, can be achieved.

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