Apple Could Release Iphone 14 Models In New Avtar With USB-C Charging Port


– Apple’s upcoming iPhone 14 model may come with a USB-C charging port, according to rumors.
– The change to a USB-C port may also be implemented in older iPhone models through a software update.
– The presence of two unnamed iPhone models in Apple’s internal code suggests that they will align with the A15 Bionic chip used in the iPhone 14.
– The introduction of the USB-C charging port in the iPhone 14 would ensure compliance with European Union regulations.
– Apple’s next-generation iPhone 15 is expected to feature the A16 Bionic chip, while the premium model may have the new A17 chip.

Apple’s upcoming iPhone 14 model is rumored to come with a new feature – a USB-C charging port. According to Business Today, Apple is expected to launch the next generation iPhone 15 next month, and it is likely that the company has more in store for the current iPhone 14 lineup. Reports suggest that the change to a USB-C charging port could be a major specification for the iPhone 15. The latest speculation indicates that Apple may extend this update to older iPhone models as well. It has been discovered within the code of TVOS 17 beta 5 that two unidentified iPhone models have been labeled to align with the existing A15 Bionic chipset used in the iPhone 14. This suggests that the upcoming lower-end iPhone 15 models may feature the A16 Bionic chip, while the premium model could offer the new A17 chipset. The move towards USB-C charging ports aligns with the regulations set by the European Union, which require devices sold after 2024 to include USB-C charging ports. Upgrading the iPhone 14 to USB-C will allow Apple to comply with EU guidelines while keeping it within their iPhone lineup.

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