The Telangana government has recently proposed the establishment of a defence airport as the second airport in Hyderabad. This move aims to reduce the burden on Hyderabad’s Rajiv Gandhi International Airport (RGIA), which is currently the only airport serving the city.
The proposal comes as the RGIA has witnessed a significant increase in air traffic in recent years. With the city becoming an IT hub and numerous multinational companies establishing their branches, the airport has been facing congestion issues. The establishment of a second airport will cater to the growing demand and ease the burden on RGIA, ensuring smoother operations and improved passenger experience.
The proposed defence airport will be established on a plot of land belonging to the Ministry of Defence in Hakimpet, which is located around 40 kilometers away from RGIA. This location has been chosen due to its proximity to the city and its connectivity to major highways. The airport will primarily serve as a military airbase but will also have facilities for civilian use.
The Telangana government believes that this proposal will not only enhance the aviation infrastructure in the state but also boost the economy. The second airport will attract more airlines, increasing competition and ultimately leading to reduced airfares. Additionally, it will create employment opportunities and boost the tourism industry.
The government has also assured that they will provide all necessary support to ensure the smooth functioning of the proposed airport. They are working on acquiring the required clearances from the Ministry of Defence and other relevant authorities to kickstart the project as soon as possible.
Overall, the proposal to establish a defence airport as the second airport in Hyderabad is a forward-thinking move by the Telangana government. It addresses the growing demand for air travel and paves the way for the city’s continued development as a major economic and industrial center. With improved aviation infrastructure, Hyderabad will undoubtedly strengthen its position as a key player in the global aviation industry.