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Meet IAS Officer Nishant Jain from Hindi Medium Tops UPSC Exam in Second Attempt: Discover His Success Tips

IAS Nishant Jain

IAS Nishant Jain

Nishant Jain, hailing from Meerut, achieved an exceptional feat by securing the top position in the UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE) on his second attempt in 2014. His journey is an inspiring tale of perseverance and determination, particularly as he emerged victorious while adhering to Hindi as his medium of instruction.

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IAS Topper Nishant Jain

Nishant Jain’s remarkable success story begins with his victory in the UPSC CSE during his second attempt. His upbringing in a modest background and his schooling in an ordinary government school in Meerut adds to the inspiring narrative of his journey.

Embracing Hindi Medium

Despite the underwhelming performance of Hindi-speaking candidates in the UPSC exams at the time, Nishant remained resolute in his commitment to the Hindi medium. His unwavering dedication to his mother tongue exemplified his confidence and unwavering spirit.

Resilience in the Face of Failure

One distinctive aspect of Nishant’s journey is his track record of success in both academics and sports. Until his first failure in the Civil Services Examination, Nishant had never experienced setbacks. This initial disappointment served as a turning point as he chose not to be disheartened but to learn from the experience.

Triumph After Setback

Nishant’s perseverance and resilience bore fruit in his very next attempt when he not only cleared the UPSC CSE but also secured an impressive 13th rank. His ability to bounce back from failure demonstrates his extraordinary determination.

A Life of Hard Work

Nishant’s life has been marked by hard work from an early age. He was determined to support his own expenses and took on various jobs, ranging from Group C to Group A, even after becoming an IAS officer. His work ethic and commitment were reflected in his academic pursuits, where he consistently utilized Hindi as his medium of instruction.

IAS Nishant Jain

Embracing Hindi Language

Nishant’s commitment to the Hindi language remained steadfast when he appeared for the UPSC exam. He prioritized accuracy and eloquence in his answers, regardless of the language. However, he advises aspiring candidates to ensure their command over Hindi, encompassing reading, writing, speaking, and comprehension.

Nishant Jain’s remarkable journey serves as an inspiration to those pursuing their dreams, emphasizing the significance of determination, resilience, and staying true to one’s roots. His story is a testament to the idea that excellence can be achieved in any language when one possesses a deep understanding of it. Nishant’s triumph is a celebration of Hindi as a medium of success and communication.


Nishant Jain: UPSC topper in the second attempt, ranked 13th.

Hindi medium success, unwavering confidence in the language.

Resilience: Bounced back from the initial failure with determination.

Early life of hard work, balanced jobs, and academics effectively.

Upheld Hindi medium in academics, including UPSC exam.

Emphasized language proficiency, encompassing reading, writing, speaking, and comprehension.

Nishant’s journey inspires determination, resilience, and linguistic excellence in UPSC aspirants.

Demonstrated that success knows no language boundaries, embracing Hindi as medium.

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