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Balancing Job and UPSC Preparation, Yashini Faced Three Failures But Became an IAS Officer with Effective Time Management.

IAS Yashni Nagarajan

IAS Yashni Nagarajan

Yashini Nagarajan’s journey to becoming an IAS officer is a compelling story of resilience, effective time management, and unwavering commitment. Her achievement of securing the 57th rank in the UPSC exam, while balancing a full-time job, is a testament to her dedication and strategic approach to one of India’s most challenging examinations.

Yashini’s Dual Pursuit: Job and UPSC Preparation

Yashini, who achieved remarkable success by securing the 57th rank in the UPSC exam, managed to prepare for this arduous examination alongside her full-time job. This balancing act is an inspiration to many who juggle professional commitments with their personal aspirations.

Perseverance Across Attempts While Working

Yashini’s journey to success was not immediate; it took her four attempts. Throughout this period, she never considered leaving her job, instead choosing to integrate her study schedule with her work life. She dedicated 4 to 5 hours daily to studies, intensifying her efforts over the weekends.

From RBI to the Dream of IAS

Yashini’s academic proficiency led her to secure a job at the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). However, her ultimate dream was to become an IAS officer. To achieve this, she devised a strategy that allowed her to prepare for the UPSC exams while fulfilling her job responsibilities.

Time Management: The Key to Preparation

The biggest challenge Yashini faced was carving out time for UPSC preparation amidst her job. She managed her time meticulously, allocating 4 to 5 hours each day to studies. Despite encountering failures, she remained undeterred, continually motivating herself to achieve her goal.

Initial Success and Continued Ambition

In her third UPSC attempt, Yashini achieved success but with a rank of 834. This rank, however, did not align with her aspiration of becoming an IAS officer. Undaunted, she resolved to improve her rank in her next attempt.

Realizing the Dream: Fourth Attempt Triumph

Learning from her previous attempts, Yashini refined her preparation strategy and focused on her weaknesses. This approach paid off spectacularly in her fourth attempt, where she achieved an All-India rank of 57, finally realizing her dream of becoming an IAS officer.

Yashini Nagarajan’s path to becoming an IAS officer is a narrative of balancing professional life with personal goals, a testament to the power of hard work, strategic planning, and the relentless pursuit of one’s dreams. Her story is especially inspiring for those who strive to achieve their ambitions while maintaining their professional commitments. It underscores the fact that with the right mindset and time management, even the most challenging goals can be attained.

IAS Yashni Nagarajan


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