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Neha Badola receives Young Scientist Award for her research on microplastic pollution in the Ganga river.

Neha Badola

Neha Badola

Amidst the mounting concerns about environmental degradation, the commendable efforts of young scientists, like Neha Badola, are shining a light on pressing ecological challenges. Badola’s dedication and rigorous study on microplastic pollution in the Ganga river have earned her the prestigious Young Scientist Award.

A Revered Recognition:

Neha’s relentless pursuit of knowledge has been recognized at the 6th Plantica Academic and Research Award 2023. Organized by the esteemed Plantica Association of Plant Science Research, the award underscores the importance of innovative research in the domain of environmental science. Being crowned with the Young Scientist Award at such a prestigious platform speaks volumes about Neha’s academic acumen and her significant contribution to the study of aquatic ecosystems.

Affiliation with Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University:

It’s imperative to mention Neha Badola’s association with the distinguished Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University. As a research student, she collaborates closely with the Himalayan Aquatic Biodiversity Department, delving deep into the intricacies of aquatic ecosystems. It is her exhaustive research on microplastic pollution in the Ganga, India’s most revered river, that has garnered widespread attention and accolades.

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants:

Behind every successful researcher, there’s often a mentor guiding, challenging, and providing invaluable insights. Neha is no exception. She attributes a significant portion of her success to her mentor, Dr. Jaspal Singh Chauhan. With Dr. Chauhan having spent the last eight years studying the detrimental impact of plastic pollution on the Ganga and its tributaries, Neha had the privilege of being under the tutelage of someone deeply entrenched in the subject matter. Their combined efforts promise to shed more light on the environmental challenges posed by plastic pollutants and carve a path for sustainable solutions.

Neha Badola

Neha Badola’s recognition at the 6th Plantica Academic and Research Award is not just a personal achievement, but a testament to the importance of environment-centric research in contemporary times. As she continues her studies and delves deeper into the mysteries of the Ganga and its ecosystem, the scientific community and society at large eagerly await her further findings and contributions.

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