News in Points:

– Cape Verde has been declared malaria-free by the World Health Organization, becoming only the third country in Africa to achieve this status.
– The journey to eliminating malaria in Cape Verde involved targeted interventions, indoor residual spraying with DDT, larviciding, active case detection, expanded diagnosis and early and effective treatment management, and a refocusing on vector control.
– Achieving malaria-free certification requires a country to have zero indigenous transmitted cases for at least three consecutive years and show the ability to prevent reintroduction of the disease.
– The WHO’s E-2025 initiative is focusing on 25 countries targeting elimination by 2025, with several countries already reporting zero indigenous cases in 2022.
– Cape Verde’s success in eliminating malaria has potential positive impacts on the country’s economy, tourism, public health infrastructure, and can help drive global malaria elimination efforts.

1. #CapeVerde
2. #malariafree
3. #WorldHealthOrganization
4. #malariaelimination
5. #malariaafrica
6. #malarianews
7. #malariafacts
8. #mosquitoborneillness
9. #globalmalariaelimination
10. #tourismcapeverde

Sabir a versatile journalist with three years of expertise, excels in content writing, latest news analysis, and on-the-ground reporting of events. His commitment to delivering accurate and timely information...