Mahindra has launched the base variant of its XUV300 SUV in the market at an ex-showroom price of INR 7,99,000. The on-road price of the vehicle goes up to INR 8,97,090. If you are interested in buying this SUV, you can also take advantage of the finance plan available for it. It is available with a down payment of INR 1 lakh under the finance plan. You can find more information about it in this report.

The Mahindra XUV300 is a fantastic SUV from the company. If you consider the online down payment and EMI calculator, the bank will provide a loan of INR 7,97,090. Then, you will have to make a down payment of INR 1 lakh. To purchase this SUV, you will need a bank loan for 4 years and will have to pay a monthly EMI of INR 16,857. After the finance plan, let’s now know about its engine and mileage.

The Mahindra XUV300 comes with a 1197cc engine. It has a capacity to generate a maximum power of 108.62 bhp at 5000 rpm and a peak torque of 200 Nm at 3500 rpm. The company offers a 5-speed manual transmission with this engine. Speaking of mileage, the company provides a certified mileage of 16.82 km per liter by ARAI in this SUV. Along with a higher seating capacity, the SUV also offers better braking and suspension systems.

Mahindra XUV300 SUV
Mahindra XUV300 SUV


– The company has launched the base variant of this SUV in the market at an ex-showroom price of INR 7,99,000, which goes up to INR 8,97,090 on-road.
– There is a financing plan available for this SUV, with a down payment of INR 1 lakh.
– The Mahindra XUV300 is a attractive SUV and the bank will provide a loan of INR 7,97,090 with an online down payment.
– The loan for purchasing this SUV will be for a period of 4 years, with a monthly EMI of INR 16,857.
– The engine of the Mahindra XUV300 has a capacity of 1197cc and generates a maximum power of 108.62 bhp at 5000 RPM and a peak torque of 200 Nm at 3500 RPM.
– The SUV has a certified mileage of 16.82 km/l as per ARAI.
– The SUV also offers better seating capacity and a superior braking and suspension system.
– The Nalli Silk Sarees collection has been launched in the market, inviting women to try them out.
– The Mahindra XUV300 offers an attractive financing plan, with an online down payment and an EMI calculator.
– The bank will provide a loan of INR 7,97,090, and a down payment of INR 1 lakh is required.
– The loan for purchasing this SUV will be for 4 years, with a monthly EMI of INR 16,857.
– The engine of the Mahindra XUV300 has a capacity of 1197cc and generates a maximum power of 108.62 bhp at 5000 RPM and a peak torque of 200 Nm at 3500 RPM.
– The SUV has a certified mileage of 16.82 km/l as per ARAI.
– The SUV also offers better seating capacity and a superior braking and suspension system.
– The blouse designs of the Nalli Silk Sarees collection are now available to view.
– The Mahindra XUV300 offers a 1197cc engine with a maximum power of 108.62 bhp at 5000 RPM and a peak torque of 200 Nm at 3500 RPM.
– The SUV comes with a 5-speed manual transmission.
– The ARAI certified mileage of the SUV is 16.82 km/l.
– The SUV offers more seating capacity and a better braking and suspension system.

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