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Are inverters a suitable alternative following the ban on diesel generators in Delhi-NCR?

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With diesel generators facing restrictions in NCR towns, residents are seeking alternatives for reliable power supply during frequent outages. Large housing societies, accustomed to using generators during such times, now need to explore viable options. One such alternative is an inverter, but is it a practical solution?

Understanding inverters

An inverter is an electronic device that converts stored direct current (DC) from batteries into alternating current (AC) to power household appliances. It acts as a seamless adaptor for various home appliances, incorporating multiple electronic circuits for load management and battery charging control. Inverters ensure compatibility with standard wiring and battery setups, mimicking the quality of grid-supplied power. They can function autonomously or be connected to the grid, performing effectively in both scenarios.

Distinguishing features from generators

While generators generate electricity, inverters transform existing DC power into AC, powering households. Inverters meticulously direct power through multiple switches to establish a consistent frequency in the energy wave.

Advantages of inverters

1. Precise load management and voltage supply for seamless operation of household appliances.
2. Instantaneous activation during power outages without manual intervention.
3. Noise-free operation and minimal environmental impact.
4. Extended operational duration with larger batteries, offering sustained power.
5. Cost-effective operation and compatibility with solar energy.

Limitations of inverters

1. Limited capacity for handling heavy loads, necessitating generators for high-capacity backup.
2. Dependency on battery charge, leading to downtime once batteries are depleted.
3. Expenses associated with battery replacement at the end of their lifespan.
4. Inverters are fixed due to their battery connections, lacking portability within the household.
5. Moderate energy output, restricting the operation of large appliances like refrigerators or air-conditioners.

Inverters can be a practical solution for power backup in areas where diesel generators are restricted. They offer precise load management, instantaneous activation during outages, and noise-free operation. Additionally, they are cost-effective and compatible with solar energy. However, it is important to consider the limitations of inverters, such as their limited capacity for handling heavy loads and dependency on battery charge. Assessing individual power requirements and considering the trade-offs can help residents determine if inverters are a suitable alternative to generators for their specific needs.


Residents in the National Capital Region (NCR) are exploring alternatives to diesel generators for reliable power supply during frequent outages. One viable option is an inverter, which converts stored direct current (DC) from batteries into alternating current (AC) to power household appliances. Inverters function autonomously or can be connected to the grid and offer precise load management, noise-free operation, and minimal environmental impact. However, they have limitations such as limited capacity for handling heavy loads, dependency on battery charge, expenses associated with battery replacement, and lack of portability within the household. Nevertheless, inverters are cost-effective, compatible with solar energy, and provide extended operational duration with larger batteries.
Image Credit : TOI

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