Mahindra has launched the 2WD variant of the Thar in the Indian auto market with a starting ex-showroom price of 9.99 lakhs, going up to 14.9 lakhs (ex-showroom). The company has announced that these introductory prices are only valid for the first 10,000 bookings. The 2WD version of the Mahindra Thar has been enhanced in terms of its capabilities compared to the 4WD version. The exterior look of the 2WD variant is similar to the 4WD model, with the only difference being the absence of the 4X4 badging. The interior features remain the same, and it does not come with a separate gear box for off-road sections. The new variant of the Thar will be offered in a hard top version, which will come with safety features such as electronic brake locking differential, roll-over mitigation with ESP, hill hold, and hill descent control specifically for the rear-wheel drive variant. The option to choose between 16-inch steel or 18-inch alloy wheels will also be available. The Thar 4WD SUV was launched with great fanfare in 2020 and now comes with advanced electronic brake locking differential. The price difference between the 4WD and 2WD versions could help make the new variant even more popular. For example, the cheapest Thar diesel AX(O) 4X2 MT is priced at 9.99 lakhs, which is about 4.15 lakhs cheaper than the Thar diesel AC (O) 4X4 MT variant, which is priced at 14.15 lakhs. Similarly, the Thar petrol LX 4X2 AT is priced at 13.49 lakhs, which is approximately 2.33 lakhs more affordable than the Thar LX 4X4 AT.
– Mahindra Thar 2WD has been launched in the Indian auto market with a starting ex-showroom price of 9.99 lakh rupees, going up to 14.9 lakh rupees.
– The 2WD variant has similar looks and design to the 4WD version, with the only difference being the absence of the 4X4 badging.
– It will come with features such as electronic brake locking differential, roll-over mitigation, ESP, and special safety features like hill hold and hill descent control for the rear-wheel drive variant.
– Buyers will have the option to choose between 16-inch steel wheels or 18-inch alloy wheels.
– The prices for the Thar 2WD are comparatively lower than the 4WD variants, making it more popular among buyers. For example, the cheapest diesel variant of Thar 2WD is priced at 9.99 lakh rupees, while the 4WD variant is priced at 14.15 lakh rupees. Similarly, the petrol variant of Thar 2WD is priced at 13.49 lakh rupees, which is more affordable than the 4WD variant by approximately 2.33 lakh rupees.